The 2016 Family Tree DNA Day Sale involves a variety of DNA tests and has been extended until April 26, 2016 at 11:59 pm Central Time. The sale pricing does not include any taxes and shipping, which is usually under $10.
So which tests are on sale?
Autosomal Test
Family Finder is now $79, regularly $99
Y-DNA Tests (male-only, father's line)
Y37 test is now $129, regularly $169
Y67 test is now $199, regularly $268
Y111 test is now $289, regularly $359
mtDNA Tests (male or female, mother's line)
mtFull Sequence test is now $149, regularly $199
Some of our previous posts can explain a little bit about the difference between autosomal, Y-DNA and mtDNA tests. Click the labels to the left using either DNA, DNA Day, FamilyTreeDNA or AncestryDNA.
See you soon at Mt. Clemens Public Library.