MyHeritage has had a Halloween DNA Sale going that ends in three days. The MyHeritageDNA (autosomal) tests regularly $79 each are on sale for just $49 each plus taxes and shipping. This test is sometimes referred to now as the MyHeritageDNA Ancestry Only test. Orders of two or more DNA kits receive free shipping. The MyHeritage DNA Health+Ancestry test does not appear to be on sale.
customer base seems to be more international. The test includes free
internal member messaging feature, an ethnicity/admixture report, and of
course, a list of DNA matches. No data subscription is needed to
use/see all the DNA matching features. Additional features include a
chromosome browser and the automatic DNA AutoClusters tool. And with
test results linked to a family tree on MyHeritage the Theory of Family Relativity feature can scan the linked trees and create theories of the tested individuals are related using both DNA and linked trees.
is one of the few genealogy/DNA testing companies that accepts DNA data
uploads/transfers from other genealogy/DNA testing companies. The
initial upload is free and you get unlimited access to see and contact
your DNA matches at MyHeritage. Unlocking additional DNA features
(chromosome browser, ethnicity estimate, shared ancestral places,
trees/Theory of Relativity, and Auto Clusters, etc.) costs an extra fee
which was $29 for each kit that last we saw. So the sale price of $49
mentioned above for direct test/provide spit Ancestry Only test is a good price.
As a reminder, MyHeritageDNA also sells its test kits on and often at sale prices when it is having a sale. For this sale the price on Amazon matches the sale price plus you get free shipping because of the price so the
better deal is from Amazon. BUT remember when you do find a sale price at Amazon make
sure the seller shown is MyHeritage fulfilled by Amazon and not sold by
third-party unauthorized seller. Non-Amazon Prime members get free shipping due to the
total cost and because it is fulfilled by Amazon; prime members just get
quicker 2-day shipping for free.
Look for this before adding your item to your cart. |
See you soon at Mt. Clemens Public Library!