DNA DAY is this Saturday, April 25
Let's get the big one over with first. DNA Day is this week so there are sales currently going on and likely some to come yet.
Family Tree DNA
There is lots on sale over at Family Tree DNA, the company that tests not only Autosomal DNA (atDNA) but also Y-DNA (direct male line) and Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) (the direct female line.)
Here are the 2020 DNA Day Sale prices.
Autosomal DNA (male or female can take)
FamilyFinder is now $49, regularly $79 save $30
mtDNA (male or female can take, mother's direct female line)
mtFull Sequence is now $139, regularly $159 save $20. It is now the only mtDNA test offered.
Want to upgrade your mtDNA test?
mtDNA (HVR1) to mtFull is now $79, regularly $119 save $40
mtPLUS (HVR1+ HVR2) to mtFull is now $79, regularly $119 save $40
Y-DNA Test (male-only, father's direct male line)
Y37 test is now $99, regularly $119 save $20
The Y67 test appears to not be offered anymore as a test option itself.
Y111 test is now $199, regularly $249 save $50
Big Y-700* test is now $379, regularly $449 save $50
Expert Level. Note: formerly the Big Y-500 now the Big Y-700 includes the Y111 test which gets added to your cart as part of buying the Big Y-700. *Does not include the Big Y BAM file which is a purchase option after results are received.
Already have a YDNA test that you want to upgrade to more markers? Sign into that test and see what upgrade options you have available. Some upgrade options are on sale but remember if the person who supplied the DNA sample is deceased the amount of sample itself is limited so you might need to wait until the exact upgrade you want is on sale or when you are able afford it.
Y12 to Y37 upgrade sale for $59, regular price is $79
Y12 to Y67 upgrade sale for $139, regular price is $149
Y12 to Y111 upgrade sale for $149, regular price is $199
Y25 to Y37 upgrade sale for $39, regular price is $49
Y25 to Y67 upgrade sale for $109, regular price is $119
Y25 to Y111 upgrade sale for $139, regular price is $189
Y37 to Y67 upgrade sale for $69, regular price is $89
Y37 to Y111 upgrade sale for $119, regular price is $139
Y67 to Y111 upgrade sale for $79, regular price is $89
Y12 to Big Y-700 upgrade sale for $359, regular price is $399
Y25 to Big Y-700 upgrade sale for $349, regular price is $389
Y37 to Big Y-700 upgrade sale for $319, regular price is $339
Y67 to Big Y-700 upgrade sale for $259, regular price is $279
Y111 to Big Y-700 upgrade sale for $229, regular price is $239
Big Y-500 to Big Y-700 upgrade sale for $189, regular price is $209
Need more than one test type for the same -- meaning a single person? These bundles are on sale too.
FamilyFinder with mtFull Sequence is now $179, regularly $238 save $59
FamilyFinder with Y37 is now $139, regularly $198 save $59
FamilyFinder with mtFull Sequence and Y111 is now $369, regularly $487 save $118
Family Tree DNA for its autosomal DNA tests called FamilyFinder provides an ethnicity (admixture) report, list of DNA matches, chromosome browser and allows DNA matches to contact a match directly if that match allows it. Once tested, DNA samples are stored so that additional test types (upgrades) can be added if desired. Family Tree DNA is the only genealogy DNA testing company that offers all three DNA test types: autosomal, Y-DNA and mtDNA. No subscription is needed to see/use all the DNA matching features. See our previous post containing some Reminders and Cautions regarding changes that happened earlier this year with Family Tree DNA.
As a reminder, Family Tree DNA sometimes sells its autosomal DNAtest kits (called FamilyFinder) on Amazon.com and often at sale prices when it is having a sale. For this sale the FamilyFinder test is at the sale price of $49 at Amazon so if you don't need a YDNA or mtDNA test for the same person buying from Amazon eliminates the shipping costs. (Make sure the seller shown is FamilyTreeDNA fulfilled by Amazon and not sold by a third-party unauthorized seller.) Non-Amazon Prime members get free shipping due to the total cost and because it is fulfilled by Amazon; prime members just get quicker 2-day shipping for free.
Look for this before adding your item to your cart. |
MyHeritage extended its Stay At Home Sale beyond DNA Day. MyHeritageDNA (autosomal) tests regularly $79 each are on sale for just $39 each plus taxes and shipping which is the lowest price ever. This test is sometimes referred to now as the MyHeritageDNA Ancestry Only test. The MyHeritage DNA Health test regularly $199 is on sale for $99 plus taxes and shipping. The sale expires April 30th. Orders of two or more DNA kits receive free shipping.
MyHeritageDNA's customer base seems to be more international. The test includes free internal member messaging feature, an ethnicity/admixture report, and of course, a list of DNA matches. No data subscription is needed to use/see all the DNA matching features. Additional features include a chromosome browser and the automatic DNA AutoClusters tool. And with test results linked to a family tree on MyHeritage the Theory of Family Relativity feature can scan the linked trees and create theories of the tested individuals are related using both DNA and linked trees.
The MyHeritage DNA Health+Ancestry tests includes what you get with the MyHeritageDNA Ancestry only test. It also includes 18 Genetic Risk Reports, and 18 Carrier Status Reports. The test includes independent physician oversight. A questionnaire about your health history is required before taking the test. Your answers will be confidentially reviewed by a physician. After your results are generated, your reports will be reviewed by the clinical team from PWNHealth, who will determine whether genetic counseling is advised. If genetic counseling is recommended, it is included as part of the PWNHealth services.
MyHeritage is one of the few genealogy/DNA testing companies that accepts DNA data uploads/transfers from other genealogy/DNA testing companies. The initial upload is free and you get unlimited access to see and contact your DNA matches at MyHeritage. Unlocking additional DNA features (chromosome browser, ethnicity estimate, shared ancestral places, trees/Theory of Relativity, and Auto Clusters, etc.) costs an extra fee which was $29 for each kit that last we saw. So the sale price of $39 mentioned above for direct test/provide spit Ancestry Only test is a great price.
As a reminder, MyHeritageDNA also sells its test kits on Amazon.com and often at sale prices when it is having a sale. However, for this sale the prices on Amazon are at the regular prices so the better deal is straight from the MyHeritage website. BUT when you do find a sale price at Amazon make sure the seller shown is MyHeritage fulfilled by Amazon and not sold by a third-party unauthorized seller. Non-Amazon Prime members get free shipping due to the total cost and because it is fulfilled by Amazon; prime members just get quicker 2-day shipping for free.
Look for this before adding your item to your cart. |
At LivingDNA three of its four autosomal DNA tests are on sale for up to 30 percent off for DNA Day. There is no specific end date given for this test and taxes and shipping are extra. There is free shipping for purchases of three or more tests for this sale.
Living DNA's current lineup of autosomal DNA tests are:
LivingDNA Starter Kit is regularly priced at $49 and is not on sale at this time. It is described as a taster experience of ancestry and wellbeing reports to get started. It includes your global ancestry report (eight regions), DNA matches along with sample nutrition (nutrition and Vitamin D) and fitness (muscle performance) reports.
LivingDNA Full Ancestry Kit regularly priced at $99 is on sale for $69. It is described as the full ancestry experience from your deep ancestry to DNA matching. It includes recent ancestry, sub-regional ancestry breakdown, your DNA today, extended ancestry, DNA matching and free ancestry updates.
The LivingDNA Full Ancestry Kit is the original LivingDNA test comparable to autosomal DNA tests at other genealogy/DNA testing companies.
LivingDNA Wellbeing Kit regularly priced at $129 is on sale for $79. It is described with "understand your body's response to nutrition and fitness." It includes Vitamin Response, Food Metabolism, Nutrition Ideas, Exercise, Recovery and Exercise Ideas.
At this time LivingDNA does not test for genetically inherited diseases.
LivingDNA Wellbeing & Ancestry Kit regularly priced at $179 is on sale for $99. It is described as advanced ancestry reports and your body's fitness and nutritional responses. Essentially combining the LivingDNA Full Ancestry Kit with the Wellbeing Kit.
There is a kit comparison chart here at LivingDNA's website. None of the test types appear to have the option of downloading a test's Raw DNA data file.
LivingDNA is based in the United Kingdom so if you have a lot of English and Irish ancestry the more detailed regions for Britain and Ireland in the ethnicity may be of interest to you. (Part of the now LivingDNA Full Ancestry Kit.) The company is still building itself so at a sale price it may be worth a try. Perhaps you will find a clue to direct your search.
As a reminder, LivingDNA sometimes sells its test kits on Amazon.com and often at sale prices when it is having a sale. However, for this sale LivingDNA is not selling its tests at matching sale prices on Amazon at this time. (At the times when LivingDNA does, make sure the seller shown is LivingDNA fulfilled by Amazon and not sold by a third-party unauthorized seller.) Non-Amazon Prime members get free shipping due to the total cost if the kit is fulfilled by Amazon; prime members just get quicker 2-day shipping for free.
Look for this before adding your item to your cart. |
Ancestry has not yet announced any DNA Day sale. Its AncestryDNA autosomal DNA test is regularly $99 plus taxes and shipping and its AncestryHealth autosomal DNA test is regularly $149 plus taxes and shipping. So check its website later today or tomorrow morning to see if it will also hold a DNA Day sale. Check often in case it is a Flash (limited time) sale.
23andMe just announced its DNA Day sale this morning.
23andMe's Ancestry + Traits DNA test is regularly $99 but is on sale for $79.
23andMe's Health + Ancestry Service is regularly priced $199 but is on sale for $149.
23andMe Ancestry Service (autosomal DNA) provides an ethnicity (admixture) report, list of DNA matches, chromosome browser and an internal member messaging system. 23andMe also provides a general look at your Y-DNA haplogroup (if male) and a general look at your mtDNA haplogroup. No subscription is needed to see/use all the DNA matching features. A newer feature is the Family Tree feature which is automatically built from your DNA relationships.
See the 23andMe website to learn more about the Health service features which includes 10+ Health Pre-disposition reports, 5+ Wellness reports, and 40+ Carrier Status reports.
23andMe also has a VIP Health + Ancestry Service which is regularly priced $499 and is not discounted for this sale. This VIP Health + Ancestry is actually a bundle package which includes two Ancestry + Health test kits, overnight shipping, priority lab processing, premium customer support and 1-on-1 Ancestry results walkthrough.
As a reminder, 23andMe also sells its test kits on Amazon.com and often at sale prices when it is having a sale. However, for this sale period the Ancestry+Traits is only on sale for $89 which is $10 more than the 23andMe website but the Health+Ancestry is on sale for $149 which is the same as at the 23andMe website.
(In the future if you do buy these tests on the Amazon website, make sure the seller shown is 23andMe fulfilled by Amazon and not sold by a third-party unauthorized seller.) Non-Amazon Prime members get free shipping due to the total cost and because it is fulfilled by Amazon; prime members just get quicker 2-day shipping for free.
Above: Look for this when buying on Amazon. |
See you soon at Mt. Clemens Public Library!
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