It's Getting Closer!Ancestry has lowered its sale price on its AncestryDNA autosomal DNA test. It is now just $49 until November 29, 2021, at 11:59 p.m.
This is great news because we all know how much we can do with a saved $20 in-hand. Will we see Ancestry match the lowest prices on autosomal DNA tests
that at least two other genealogy/DNA companies are offering this
holiday season? We don't know but if it is going to happen it will
likely be by flash sale so keep an eye out often because flash sales are short-term
sales that do not last long -- sometimes just a few hours.
The AncestryDNA (autosomal) test regularly $99 is on sale for $49, a savings of 50%. Shipping and taxes are extra.
With the lowering the the AncestryDNA sale price that means the other DNA/Subscription bundles have lowered prices as well.
For just one dollar more, you can get the AncestryDNA test and a 3-month World Explorer subscription for $50
instead of the regular price of $100. But take note that this offer is
for new and returning subscribers not for renewal of current
subscriptions And, the subscription will automatically renew for $79.95
every three months unless you cancel at least two days before the
renewal day using My Account or by contacting customer service.
Or for 89 dollars more, you can get the AncestryDNA test and a 3-month All Access subscription for $139 instead of the regular price of $199. But take note that this offer is
for new and returning subscribers not for renewal of current
subscriptions And, the subscription will automatically renew for $99.95
every three months unless you cancel at least two days before the
renewal day using My Account or by contacting customer service.
AncestryDNA test results
provide an ethnicity/admixture report, a AncestryDNA match
list, shared matches, an internal member messaging system, and
automatic updates to results. As well as some basic information from
ThruLines which is Ancestry's replacement or next generation of New
Ancestor Discoveries and DNA Circles. See the chart below.
Be aware that with an active paid subscription to Ancestry, there is fuller access to some DNA features such as all
available information about people is shown in ThruLines; Matches'
public family trees are viewable instead of just a preview of five
generations; and up to seven generations of surnames instead of up to
five surnames are shown for direct ancestor surnames from your matches'
From, a look at AncestryDNA with and without a data membership/subscription. |
Access to these extra features end if you discontinue your data subscription. Some of these extra features require a public family tree linked to the AncestryDNA kit.
Traits now gives a look
at 26 personal traits. These traits are: Birth Weight, Facial Hair Thickness, Omega-3, Photic
Sneeze Reflex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitaman E, Wisdom Teeth,
Metabolite Detection, Bitter Sensitivity, Cilantro Aversion, Cleft Chin, Earlobe Shape, Earwax Type,
Eye Color, Finger Length, Freckles, Hair Color,
Hair Strand Thickness, Hair Type, Iris Patterns, Male Hair Loss, Savory
(Umami) Sensitivity, Skin Pigmentation, Sweet
Sensitivity, and Unibrow. More traits may be available in the future at
an additional cost. There may still be a Compare Feature and Around the
World Feature. This add-on is regularly $20 and is on sale for $10.
From |
is the one DNA/genealogy testing site that does not provide a
chromosome browser tool which allows you to see the chromosome segments
you share in common with a match which is one of the scientific ways to
confirm a match is a true match and not a match by chance. To access a
chromosome browser you would need to download your kit's DNA data and
upload that data to one of the three companies that do provide a
chromosome browser: MyHeritageDNA, Family Tree DNA, and the third-party website.
We are not sure if the FREESHIPDNA code will work on the Ancestry website with this sale but it does not hurt to try it.
Do you want just the DNA test and do you want to save on shipping costs?
Remember AncestryDNA
also sells its test kits on and often at sale prices when it
having a sale. For this sale, as of now when this post was written
the AncestryDNA test is listed at $49. So, in this case the
sale price on the Amazon website is as good as the Ancestry website deal
or a bit better because shipping is free.
BUT the AncestryDNA+Traits listed at $69 does NOT reflect the new sale pricing which would be $59 ($49 for the test and $10 for the Traits which is regularly $20.) So it is a close call on this bundle since the Ancestry website charges shipping. Non-Amazon Prime
members get free shipping due to the
total cost and because it is fulfilled by Amazon while Amazon Prime members
just get
quicker 2-day shipping for free. But be cautious and make sure the test
kit you are buying is "sold by AncestryDNA Official and fulfilled by
Amazon" to insure you are buying a genuine test kit. You will find this
information just below the price. See the image below.
Look for this before adding your item to your cart. |
See you soon someday at our favorite library!