Friday, April 13, 2018

Sale on Autosomal Transfers to Famly Tree DNA thru April 16, 2018

Have you tested your or a family member's autosomal DNA at AncestryDNA, 23andMe or MyHeritage? Would you like to get that DNA with permission where needed into another DNA Match Pool of another DNA testing company?

Family Tree DNA offers Autosomal DNA transfers. So if you have already tested at another genealogy DNA testing company you can upload your RAW DNA data to get your test into another "pool" of potential DNA matches. The transfer is initially free which lets you see all your matches and use the FamilyFinder-Matrix to compare up to 10 matches.

Normally to access additional FamilyFinder tools (chromosome browser, myOrigins, ancientOrigins) the cost is $19 to unlock them. (Which is significantly less than the cost of an autosomal test.) But now thru Monday, April 16, 2018, you can save $9 with code ATULAPR18 making the cost of unlocking your transfer just $10.

See the Family Tree DNA Learning Center for information on how to download your DNA raw data from where you have tested and how to upload it to Family Tree DNA. If the tested person (the person whose spit it is) does not have any other test at FTDNA follow the path for a new customer. If the tested person already has another test type (Y-DNA or mtDNA) at Family Tree DNA follow the steps for an existing customer. After uploading your data, you will receive and email with login information. You can take advantage of this sale once your initial data transfer has been processed which sometimes takes less than a day to 2 days depending on the volume of transfers. So if you decide to do a data transfer do it soon so you can take advantage of the near half-off sale price.

Family Tree DNA currently accepts autosomal transfers from:
  • Ancestry DNA (V1 and V2 chips)
  • 23andME (V3 and V4 chips) but not its V5 chip in use since Aug. 2017
  • MyHeritageDNA (Transfers from kits tested directly at MyHeritage are completely free with no unlock fee.) 
One thing to note is that transfers of tests on the AncestryDNA V2 chip and the 23andMe V4 chip receive all but the most speculative matches (6th cousin to remote cousins) because these chips are not fully compatible.

See you soon at Mt. Clemens Public Library!

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