Friday, July 19, 2024

MCPL's Local History & Genealogy Room Temporarily Closed; Limited Operations Until Further Notice

We've had an update on the Local History & Genealogy Room of our favorite library, Mount Clemens Public Library. 

Unfortunately, the Local History & Genealogy Room will be closed for the foreseeable future. Waterproofing outside needs to be completed before the inside repairs can be done. No materials have been damaged.

In the meantime, the LH&G Room will be under limited operations from the Boardroom (located near the elevator directly across from the LH&G Room) Monday - Thursday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. There will be two computer terminals for patrons to use, but no microfilm machine access, digital equipment or access to the materials in the room. This likely means a delay in fulfilling research requests as well.

Remember, patrons can access the library's various subscriptions and databases from anywhere in the library by accessing the library's wireless internet with their own devices. If you plan to use the library's computer terminals remember to bring a USB device to download your research finds.

Volunteers may or may not be fulfilling their volunteer times during this limited operations period. Call or email the library to check if a volunteer will be in to help patrons.

See you at our favorite library!

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