Tuesday, September 3, 2024

MCGG Releases its September Meeting Topics -- Join Us!

The Macomb County Genealogy Group releases its September 2024 meeting topics. We are hard at work on topics for the rest of the 2024 Fall Season and will release our full season schedule as soon as we can.

MCGG Let's Talk...Genealogy discussion group meets in-person (hybrid) Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. in the Local History & Genealogy Room of the Mount Clemens Public Library. Our topic is ... Where Do I Go From Here?

Bring research questions, brick walls, or new finds to share with the group! Let's share our challenges, maybe someone will have an idea to solve them.

Why is this our most popular discussion topic? Because it is your opportunity to get your questions or problems hopefully answered. But not just from one point of view but often several. And, when you have a new genealogy find you have like-minded genealogists who understand that satisfaction when maybe family members do not.

MCGG Friday group meets in-person (hybrid) Friday, September 13, 2024, at 1 p.m.
in the Auditorium B/C of the Mount Clemens Public Library. Our topic is ... Volunteer Firemen.
Where There is Smoke ... There is Fire presented by Beverly Bishop.

Where there is smoke, there is Fire! And water too! Early townspeople used bucket brigades (some gifts from insurance companies), then manual hose reels, horses, steam powered trucks followed by gas engines. Fire insurance was sold by the women of the town, and fire fighters were the local business men. See a Sanborn Fire Map, Gamewell Alarm, and fire run data from books and an Index. Come along for a ride in the exciting conflagrations where your family may have participated.


Our plan is that our meetings will be hybrid meaning the meeting will be in-person with a virtual Zoom option. The Zoom meeting link (or registration link) will now be found on our Southeast Michigan Genealogy Events Calendar and our Facebook page. The link will usually be added the night before or morning of the meeting. Members will receive a reminder email with the Zoom invite or a reminder that registration is required for a meeting.

New attendees are always welcome.

See you at our favorite library!

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